This is the level of zen and self-awareness I think I would like to reach with food.
I'm not yet there, but I am starting to be a bit more dynamic about what I eat, when I eat, how I eat, and how much I eat. I have been on both sides of what I see as a food spectrum- eating as much as I want whenever I went versus eating only at very specific times very specific food groups in very specific quantities. Currently, I am starting to understand that my hunger and what I desire to eat might be dependent on the seasons, the weather, my moods, and how much I am doing that day. Like, if I am hiking a bunch every single day, like I am right now, then, perhaps it is okay for me to eat two meals a day, instead of just one. And on the days where I'm not feeling like doing much and it's kind of dark and dreary, maybe not feeling as hungry and eating one meal a day is okay. And then, when I am outside doing manual labor for an entire day, like when I visited Paul and visited to interview for a summer internship in Washington, that it is perhaps okay to eat three meals a day. And trusting myself when I feel hungry and trusting my cravings (and also interpreting them) is difficult.
How do you approach food, hunger, and cravings?
What are your thoughts on the hunger scale (0=famished, 10=stuffed to the point of sickness)?