As of right now it’s a blank slate.
144acres. 1.5 miles along lost creek.
Ponds, bluffs, a river, and numerous streams.
Grafted a few dozen pear scions on wild pears earlier this last month when I finally closed on this place.
Tons of
trees in pots that I’ve grown out and/or grafted. Planting soon.
Hardwoods, pastures, and planted pines.
Fencing pasture
land for grass fed
cattle this summer.
I’m open to hear any/all arrangements.
The only terms that are
concrete are that the land is not for sale and no illegal drugs.
I’d prefer if you’ve had a semi active account on permies for 6+ months.
You tell me. What you want.
Examples. Work trade? Business partners?
Just a place to chill for a summer/ winter?
Want to start a regen/
permaculture based business?
Plant nursery, grass fed/ forest fed livestock, Airbnb rentals, and Agro tourism.
These are some of the things I’m up for.
Throw offers this way.
Lack of access to land to farm/ homestead/do
permaculture is a myth.
Lack of access to land in some cool trendy
city so you can hang out isn’t my problem.