One of the stretch goals for the kickstarter is "we will make 200 free copies of the book available to libraries."
In order to fit printing and shipping 200 free copies of the book in the already thin margins of our budget, we are trying to set this up in a way that keeps the costs down. We can't change the printing cost much, so we need to look at minimizing shipping costs.
I have been talking with one librarian whose library is a part of a network of libraries. They have their own internal distribution system. He said that if we send him a box of
books, he can get a book into every library that is a part of that network. It is far cheaper (and less work) for us to ship one box of books than it is for us to ship individual books to individual libraries. I'm looking for more opportunities like this.
So if you are a librarian who is part of a network of libraries and you would like free copies of the book, send me an email at info(at) with the following information:
your name:
your library name:
your library address:
your library EIN:
how many books you would like:
how many locations you could distribute them to:
the name of the network you would distribute them to:
any other important information:
Libraries will be selected according to whatever I feel works best for me. I will get in contact if I have questions or to let you know when books are on their way.