It's that time of year, and the weather has been frightful to
boot. This is my favorite remedy for colds, flus, respiratory infections - even urinary tract infections! This will spike/break a fever, so "check with your doctor" or otherwise make sure you're not applying to someone who might be at risk from an increased temperature or dehydration. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids beforehand.
Thyme Bath
Boil 2 quarts
water Add 2 cups dried thyme
Remove from heat, cover and let steep 10 minutes
Add strained thyme decoction to bathwater that is as hot as you can stand it
Stay in hot bath until you are sweating, as long as you can while it is still hot
Get out, dry quickly, and wrap up in robe, etc. and climb under the covers
should create a sweat lasting 30 minutes or more
It's my understanding (I'm not an herbalist) that thyme has anti-viral, anti-bacterial properties and the combination of inhaling the bath vapors and soaking through the skin is quite powerful. Plus, fevers are truly quite powerful, useful agents themselves, and this bath sure gets them to do the trick! I've used this for family members and myself with incredible results. I would love to hear if others have tried thyme like this, or something similar.