Ok, thats a great starting point
Clay soil holds water
I dont see why your seasonal creek would cause erosion because it flows north to south.
Creeks cause erosion because of speed of water, soil type etc.
using terraces as well as swales on your block, may work better.
Terraces will give to flatter surfaces to work on, and swales will catch and hold water so it soaks into the ground.
If you look up Natural sequence Farming in Australia you will get some ideas, although they are more suited to large tracts of
By constructing walls across the creek, so that the toe of one '
pond' lines up with the top of the next wall, you could slow any flow down a lot and retain that water in the ground as well.
Any walls will need to be covered with rock to prevent erosion.
You will ned to plan roadways, housing, shedding etc all at the same time.