This has been discussed before., but I'm interested to get updates/different takes on the subject.
I get the impression that biodynamics (bd)and Rudolf Steiner stuff in general has more traction in our part of the world than in North America.
I suspect that's more to do with 20th century German migration to Australasia than anything else!
Maybe the 'woo-woo' that freaks people out is more a historical artifact of the spritualist movements of Steiner's time, than a dogma to be adhered to or whatever.
The spiritual thing could be getting in the way of other parts of bd that I could explore further. I'm into effective methods and good results and if I can get them using the tools, but not the dogma, I might give it a go
For example, bd's all about utilising, concentrating and focusing
energy. As far as I know, the scientific understanding of energy in all its forms was still relatively undeveloped and we're much more aware of it's role in the universe.