Hello everyone, I am excited to say that I have gotten the OK from my family to do what I please with their back
yard near bridgewater, massachusetts. I just wanted to get my feet wet this upcoming spring and attempt a few projects to carry out and expand on as the year goes on. The three or four projects I would like to complete is planting and creating a thriving Cortland
apple tree guild, a plot for vegetables, some plot for herbs/spices and possibly a hugelkulture bed (there are many dead
trees around the property just waiting to be pushed down and used for this). Zone 5b.
Being my first time I have a few questions for anyone who can help me out.
1. What is the most practical way of converting the grass in the back to a soil plot for vegetables?
Should I use a raised plot? What are some good starting veggies? Pioneering plants?
2. The soil is sandy, what kind of
perennial plant ideas do you guys have to incorporate around the property? Hastas, bushes and trees grow well, other things need a little more help.
3. What are some things that you would experiment with if you were in this position? (Albeit animals...for now.)
4. There is risk for coyotes in the area, what kind of precautions should I take if
rabbits and other small animals become more attracted to the property?
5. The yard is two tiered with a higher level where a forest is and then a hill moving down from the forest to a lower level area where the house sits, moss grows on parts of it, what would grow well in areas with hills like this?
Thank you