The title pretty much says it all.
We've got a semi-durable, stainless, chinese digging fork. I'm on number two now, they last maybe one year. While trying to dig/pull out the cow manure/straw combination (created by my hired help and father-in-law not listening to my instructions to put sawdust down under the cows each night while we were on vacation last month), I heard the first "snap" from the handle. Of
course, handles can be replaced, but it reminds me again of the inevitable dissapointment awaiting when one day in the spring some metal bit will break, so I wonder:
1. Does anyone in Europe know a mail order source that ships to Slovakia a really strong, forged garden fork that will survive very clayey, heavy soil while double digging next spring?
2. Short of high explosives, is there any non-tool-destroying way to dig out matted straw/cow-dung?
Would quicklime help break it up and still leave it OK to be mixed into the
compost pile?