Hi Nice
Il write abit about what I would do but im no expert so maybe take some ideas that might work for you and discard others.
Firstly I wouldnt till the land, If the soil is that bad its really struggling, Tilling would expose what good fungi and microbes there are in the soil and kill them and that could put you back years. Just because its hard and compacted it doesnt mean there isnt things in there that will help you down the road.
I like your list of plants, I live in england so our plants will be
alot different, but perhaps you could use some
hay and put some hugelkulture beds across the land not many just a few running across your slopes on contour, In these it would be best to completely stack with legumes, plants that will attract beneifcail insects and
bees for pollunation and fast growing pioneer species that will go up and provide shade for the rest of the plants, These species you can use as mulch further down the line keep some and get rid of others. Get all the good ones in there that pul up nutrients from down deep in the soil, and have a play.
Mulch cut from plants and laid straight on te ground is better than
compost, it will encourage the little icky biffs you need to start converting it to good soil. really get those raised beds going and get allsorts of species going on them.
once they are up you can now use
chickens to expand them species from the hugelkuture beds to other parts, use a moving
chicken pen that you can wheel around move the
chickens to a different spot each day, feeding on the plants from your raised beds. They will scratch around on that hard soil inbetween the beds pecking away at any seeds that have dropped and ofc they poo those and and they germinate making the plants species move and become established inbetween your beds. this is now free planting, done for you.
It takes longer than sowing all the seeds yourself but its cheaper and the chickens speed it up because the make the soil more suitable for seed germination.
Perhaps this you can walk the countryside at the right times of year and locate species you would like and harvest the seeds, if its a while until them plants seeds, just locate them, keep your eye out, if you see one in someones gardens give em a knock and ask if you can have some seeds when there on the plant. I got 100's of this evil spikey plant seeds from the church yard up the road from me, a friend needed and scary border. I didnt know quite how to do it to be honest so I got the fruit and got all the seeds out, then washed em and left em to dry out, a few days later I planted them in some soil and watered. after a week of no show I gave up on it and left it to one side,
then I checked it a few weeks later and there was hunfreds of these little things coming through, ofc I had planted them all together in one container which made it a bugger to got them separated, but I gave them to my mate and he did the rest, funnily
enough I did the same on some melon seeds just to try it out, But i done it too late in the year for them to produce any fruit, I got the melon seeds from a melon we had for breaky from the supermarket.
I guess what Im trying to say if your trying to not to go to crazy and spend before you do your
pdc, just play with nature and see what you can get, if theres any wasteland around see if theres any plants on there you can dig out and transplant. Im sure no one would care if its overgrown land no ones working, just becareful it isnt someones food forest they can look like overgrown land, LOL
I would be reluctant thought to do too much before your
pdc because when you come back from that your head will be exploding with ideas of exactly what to do, so its really just getting some useful species established that will help you further down the line. One of the thing I have noticed people do when they get land is just watch it grow, dont be affraid to leave it and see what grows naturally, you might find some great little climates that pop up that you didnt even realise were there, leave the grass to grow and attract the the organisms you need to make it happen., It;l look wild for a while but will be much better then short cut grass.
Comfrey, i have heard alot of people using comfrey, actually almost every perma vid I have watch people have them, you can pick the leaves and wrap things wit when you plant them becasue they pull up so much nutrient.
Bill Mollison says to wrap seeding potatoes with the comfrey leaves and it gives it a great head start, I think its like everything you hve to use it and get the most out of it, if theres alot of comfrey and your getting concerned just pick it out and leave for mulch etc. how the water situation where you live at different time of the year? is there water on your property? how do you plan so far to keep it all going water wise?
again this all come from what I have read and watched in the last few months, I have not tried any of this yet, but I hope some of it has helped you some where down the line.
Play safe