Anyone swapping seeds in 2016? Apologies if I've missed a more recent
I have
Achocha, ’Fat Baby'. Easy to grow (outdoors) South American climber, abundant in sunny position, will scramble over sheds, fences etc so shade/ windbreak too. small ones eaten raw taste like cucumber, larger ones (remove black hard seeds and save for next year) fried, taste a bit like green bell pepper. EAsier to grow than either cucs or peppers. Still producing in October in northern france.
Sibley squash
Waltham Butternut squash
Millefleurs Cherry sized tomatoes. Amazingly prolific fruiter. Indeterminate, needs support. Tried them in unheated
greenhouse and outside in sunny spot. The
greenhouse ones, according to 'he who is rarely obeyed' have a slightly thinner skin.
Czar Runner beans can be harvested as green beans or left to go to seed and the beans are almost butter bean in size.
(not many of these to spare, as we're expanding the 3 sisters plot next year, having trialled a small area this year. What can I say? This 8' X 8' plot gave me the least amount of work, no weeding, drew admiring grunts and exclamations from friends, neighbours and random pedestrians, plus, a superb harvest.)
All are open pollinated so you too can save the seeds, and will be available in about 3-4 weeks time, when I've got them dried properly ( and I have finished repairs to the Rocket)
Oca I've been taking part in the Guild of Oca Breeders 2016 Trials to find a day neutral Oca Variety. Not sure how they'll do, but I may have some tubers to spare after December. No names they're all test varieties, and subject to open source rules ie you can't patent/copyright them, or anything bred from them. (I think I have that right!)
All the above can be seen on www.realseeds.co.uk but alas, they don't ship outside of Europe.
My wish list:
Does anyone have (open pollinated not F1 Hybrids, please)
Rat-tail radish? I discovered the joy of eating (normal sized) radish seed pods this year. next year I'd like to risk overdosing on rat tails as they're bigger.
Oriental long beans? I've just returned from five years in the Far East and I can't believe I didn't bring seeds back with me! My French friends are astounded by my enormous Czar runner beans, (they generally grow French bush beans) but I'd like to completely blow their minds with a foot+ long bean. Ooh la la, formidable, etc.
Landrace corn (maize) suitable for my region? Temperate, Last frost May 15, first frost late October. Hopi Blue grew successfully this year but, germination from eBay seeds less than 50% and, I'm surrounded by acres of field corn raised for silage. I don't think the seeds will produce true Hopi blue next year.
kale - Nero de Toscana
A heritage pole bean that has interesting colour
I'm looking for a variety that's harvested for its bean, not as an edible pod. Something with a coloured pod that makes it easy to find! Any bright ideas?
Would be happy to straight swap or if you have nothing to swap, I'd appreciate postage, as Brexit continues to erode the cash flow.
Please purple mooseage me, so the thread remains a list of goodies and doesn't get bunged up with 'me pleeze's