There as a discussion that apparently got deleted about the feasibility of
permaculture feeding the world, and I wanted to add something constructive to it. According to what I can find, it seems people suggest we may be running out of oil within 30-100 years - the key to our success as modern civilization will soon be gone - the major input to our food production may no longer be available. However, I posit that within 30 years, alternative
energy, especially with the real pressure dwindling oil supplies (I wouldn't call what we have now pressure from dwindling anything), will advance to the point that it becomes feasible to replace fossil fuels as the major source of power for mechanical inputs to big ag based systems to the point that we may never see that big crash some people are predicting.
I've seen on here where someone calculated the overall energy inputs required to manufacture things in general and it seemed to totally disregard the fact that a
solar panel could conceivably generate much more engery over time than what it took to create it, giving us a net gain in energy.