My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Replace this text with suitable content: Under this heading explain concisely the subject of the page. Use only facts and proven methods. You can include permaculture thinking and principles à la Mollison. How to apply them. Drawings, photos and videos if necessary. Benefits and consequences. People should come away from this section intrigued to find out more. THIS IS THE FIRST SECTION TO DEVELOP for every page...
Brice Moss wrote:P Thickens
perhaps you have the time and energy to begin feeding the Wiki so that we can see if it will survive? Paul is always pleased when someone takes a bit of the admin load off of him so that he can focus back on generating content
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:I think fixing the current stuff is the best option.
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My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
P Thickens wrote:On working together to share knowledge --
Please forgive my forwardness, but I have to ask -- why is the 2nd link on this page to an empty "Permies Wiki"? This is listed elsewhere on the Web as 'defunct' or 'dead'. Since even the definition of "permaculture" has not been filled in, I must agree. So why is this link and the empty Wiki still up? It is argued that it dilutes the information from other sites, including the one thriving Permaculture Wiki... which I will of course not name or link to out of respect for the excellent Permies forum!
On driving traffic --
I bet that if this Permies site linked to that working Permaculture Wiki (1000+ edits a week!), the cross-posting would greatly improve BOTH sites.
Chris Watkins wrote:P, you might have missed the discussion when the request was made to set up a wiki here - Paul actually urged people to collaborate on an existing project rather than reinventing the wheel. He explicitly mentioned Appropedia, the non-profit project I work on, with an appropriate technology focus but definitely aiming to expand coverage of permaculture - the advantage being that there's a team of wiki people who stay on top of inevitable technical issues, at the expense of sleep and normal social lives.
So Paul's not shy about mentioning other sites doing good work... so I think I can safely ask - what site are you referring to? I'd love to know - I've been following the "permaculture wiki" space for a few years, and nothing has come across my radar recently. is still down, sadly (or at least giving errors when I try to view it). (PM me if you're still uncomfortable sharing that info here.)
Glad to see this discussion - I'd love to see some real collaboration - good people engaging in fragmented efforts seems like a waste of potential... kind of like a flower bed of ornamentals with no thought to context or edibility.
I've added no few links to Paul's pages and and corrected others.P Thickens wrote:
Chris Watkins wrote:P, you might have missed the discussion when the request was made to set up a wiki here - Paul actually urged people to collaborate on an existing project rather than reinventing the wheel. He explicitly mentioned Appropedia, the non-profit project I work on, with an appropriate technology focus but definitely aiming to expand coverage of permaculture - the advantage being that there's a team of wiki people who stay on top of inevitable technical issues, at the expense of sleep and normal social lives.
So Paul's not shy about mentioning other sites doing good work... so I think I can safely ask - what site are you referring to? I'd love to know - I've been following the "permaculture wiki" space for a few years, and nothing has come across my radar recently. is still down, sadly (or at least giving errors when I try to view it). (PM me if you're still uncomfortable sharing that info here.)
Glad to see this discussion - I'd love to see some real collaboration - good people engaging in fragmented efforts seems like a waste of potential... kind of like a flower bed of ornamentals with no thought to context or edibility.
You have it exactly right, Chris, it's Appropedia. They've actually set up a category just for Permaculture, and there's currently work being done to format specific tools just for Permaculture: INPUT and OUTPUT boxes for the different puzzle pieces. It's exciting!
Thanks for letting me know I could post this link here.
P Thickens wrote:Thanks for letting me know I could post this link here.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:I have had some people write to me to say that they don't want to post stuff at appropedia but they are okay with posting stuff under my umbrella. I don't really understand this, but I like the idea of facilitating that. Some of the comments suggested that appropedia is going to be more focused on non-profit-ish aspects and stuff under my umbrella is going to be more profit-is-okay. Appropedia is going to be more of a consensus thing, and my stuff is gonna be my way.
If my umbrella helps to get information out there, then ... well .... I guess more information is better.
I like the idea that there might be a page at appropedia about farm profit that links to permies stuff, and that same permies stuff links to appropedia. I suspect that the appropedia stuff will probably be focused on an income to get by, and the permies stuff will be focused on an income that would be considered "a professional wage". wiki for sustainable design, permaculture, appropriate technology & all that jazz.
Me: Wiki and open knowledge consulting.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:My impression is that somebody might submit something and then others will not like it, so then revert it. The few people that have shared with me why they want my wiki instead of appropedia seem to think that I'll be okay with what they have to say, but their submissions to appropedia might get removed. And these folks expressed that they don't want to get into some sort of debate.
I don't remember anybody saying "and then they deleted my stuff!" I think it is more about concern of what could happen.
Frankly, I like the idea that half the threads here on permies link to matching stuff on appropedia. And vice versa.
paul wheaton wrote:My impression is that somebody might submit something and then others will not like it, so then revert it. The few people that have shared with me why they want my wiki instead of appropedia seem to think that I'll be okay with what they have to say, but their submissions to appropedia might get removed. And these folks expressed that they don't want to get into some sort of debate.
I don't remember anybody saying "and then they deleted my stuff!" I think it is more about concern of what could happen.
Frankly, I like the idea that half the threads here on permies link to matching stuff on appropedia. And vice versa. wiki for sustainable design, permaculture, appropriate technology & all that jazz.
Me: Wiki and open knowledge consulting.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
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