Hello! I'm looking for a
wood stove to heat a new tiny house/workshop. It's 200sq ft (avg 10' high ceilings) with R22 all around in increasingly-milder Southcentral Alaska. I don't need to maintain residential heat all the time; just
enough to keep water-based materials from freezing and to warm up the space when I want to work. My wish list would include: low price (less than US$1,000, preferably much less), efficient, some thermal mass, burns 16"
firewood (the same as our Tulikivi takes in the main house), available in U.S, and isn't too oversized for the space. Options I have found include the Tiny
Wood Stove Dwarf 5kw and the Drolet Spark. Does anyone have direct
experience with either of these stoves? Are there other stoves I
should be considering?
Thank you for your input!