Never doubt that a small group of dedicated people can change the world, Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. Formerly pa_friendly_guy_here
Never doubt that a small group of dedicated people can change the world, Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. Formerly pa_friendly_guy_here
Baldwin Organic Garden Share Our home-based garden cooperative. Tribal Wind Arts Rustic Furniture & Artisan-Craftwork from reclaimed suburban trees
Rob Meyer wrote:Yea, I mean, the idea can definitely be improved in a more integrated and ecologically resilient way, but overall, the idea is revolutionary in it's architecture, even if it's implementation is short sighted. I think we can at least take from it the good that it brings, discard the bad, and of course improve where we can. I'll certainly be trying out in some variation.
Baldwin Organic Garden Share Our home-based garden cooperative. Tribal Wind Arts Rustic Furniture & Artisan-Craftwork from reclaimed suburban trees
Sustainable Plantations and Agroforestry in Costa Rica
Pastured pork and beef on Vashon Island, WA.
Kelowna, BC
Zone 5
My first bit of advice is that if you are going to be a mime, you shouldn't talk. Even the tiny ad is nodding:
Heat your home with the twigs that naturally fall of the trees in your yard