Moderator? Please rename this topic to "Dave writes notes to himself about his sap"
(just kidding).
The weatherman says that tomorrow and a few days after that should be perfect for getting our sap. So we are going back tomorrow to see what (if anything) collected in the buckets over the past week and start hauling sap.
I have to remember to make it a point to put a saw in my pocket when I head out. There are no paths to some of our trees and I know from
experience that I'll want to add some as we go along. It's one thing to walk around in the bush taping trees, something else again to walk around carrying fifty pounds of sloshing sap.
Making trails and cleaning up the bush will serve an additional purpose. I'm not like one of those guys that you see with his
firewood carefully cut and stacked for the season. Too lazy. I'm hoping to find
enough snags, dead fall and other assorted stove
wood along the paths I make to boil the sap. Next year I'll have my stack ready. But not because I'll get less lazy, I'll just have more time, and there are an awful lot of inappropriate trees around the place.