Sorry, I have no idea where you want this to go, but it grew out of a
greenhouse discussion.
In another
thread, some AI topics came up with respect to scheduling things. The name of the topic escapes me at the moment, but it is somewhat opensource and might be useful.
I'm a Canadian, and I live in the "north". Most Canadians live close to the latitude 49, or int he case of southern Ontario, below latitude 49. I live at 56N. We get slightly more
water in a year, than would allow us to say we live in a desert. The "Peace Country" is the watershed of the Peace River in Alberta and British Columbia. Dawson Creek (where I live), is where the Alaska Highway starts. The Peace Country is about the area of Germany. Germany is closing in on 90 million people, we are somewhere between 150,000 and 300,000.
Because "nobody lives here", there is no interest in having accurate weather forecasts (we have other problems in that regard). In the last 2 months, the weather office has been wrong on a daily low predicted the day in question, 3 times at 10 more degrees (Celsius) error. We are on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains, which is a problem in predicting weather. We get "chinooks" (aka foehn winds), and can warm by 30C or more in 12 hours, starting at any time in the winter. I want to teach myself
enough about downscaling, so that I can make use of global circulation model data to try and predict weather for 1, 2, 4, 8, ... years in the future. Will we continue to have wind (I live 5 miles downwind of a 130 MW wind farm). Will we get more or less precipitation?
There are not enough weather stations in the Peace Country, and I suspect most of those don't have long records of data. What I thought was a starting point, was to try and model prediction variance as a function of location. The idea being to find the places in (or upwind?) of the Peace, which have the largest variances in prediction. But, if I am an idiot at predicting, that won't mean much. But the hope is that if a person can find those locations, maybe a person can find someone near that spot who would like to buy a weather station (probably at cost). In that manner, we clamp down on the variance in prediction.
The history of my farm is not long, but maybe 1/2 of it is as yet unknown. We bought the farm in 1975 (I was going into grade 10 at the time), and while I worked on the farm a bit the next 2 years, it was largely ignored ever since. I have more problems than I may be able to fix. But I think
permaculture will work a heck of a lot better than monoculture. Or doing nothing.
The most durable
wood in the Peace is tamarack (larch). I have posts on my
land which have to be tamarack, that are 70 years old. They can't last much longer. The other
trees we normally have here, if you made a
fence post out of them, might last a couple of years (aspen, poplar, willow, birch). So, I want to grow some
fence posts.
There has been a dugout on the property since before we moved here. We made it bigger, I will guess it is about 2 million litre. It has no windbreak of trees or a
berm. It is on a north facing slope (average slope probably 7%). All the data I seen on windbreak design, is for places on the prairies where things are flat. WindNinja is a code from Montana which looks to model surface winds. There is a well thought of package for doing PDFs in OpenSource (name escapes me), which might also be able to model this. It's always best to get multiple codes to try and compare things.
As Hamming said, the object of computing is insight, not numbers.
But, if a person learns to model the winds for my farm, I can model the winds for somewhere else. Which might be useful.
At the moment, I have 34 amd64 GPU cores, quite a bit of disk space (a lot of JBOD, 4TB of RAID-10, 6TB of RAID-10 waiting to be installed). I have 2 Polaris GPUs now (RX-460 and RX-560). I have room for 5 more, if the price would come down. I have another Ryzen 5 processor waiting for sales on motherboard and RAM, which would push me to 46 amd64 cores (dual threaded cores). I have asked a couple of recently retired professors who have worked on weather problems for a long time, whether I have enough hardware to attempt this, and they think I did.
Going back to AI. Darn, I wish the name of this package would come to mind. In any event, they talk about doing the speech analysis at your site, instead of sending it via the Internet to them. Google designed special tensor processors for doing this. You can "get by" with using nVidia GT-1080 processors with 8GB of RAM. And as described, if you have AMD GPUs, you are out of luck. Nobody has ported this code to AMD.
At the moment, it is hard to impossible to find Polaris GPUs, because they happen to be really good at some of the math that bitcoin type things find useful. It's been this way for a while. If you are on a budget (as I am), you wait.
Attacking things with GPUs is one approach. If you have a lot of CPU cores, BOINC seems a reasonable approach. You run a lot of single threaded jobs via BOINC who sends jobs to computers via a server. If at some point I get some traction with
local politiicans, maybe municipal and county computers could donate cycles to a BOINC effort to predict weather (or even to preprocess for that). But, my 34 cores will work as a starting point in that regard.
That is mostly a where I am now (which ignores a lot). Arduino and Raspberry Pi have brought a lot of electronics stuff within reach of any body.
Electric fences can be useful. By and large, you need enough voltage in a "pulse", so as to get the animals attention. As the length of wire increases, the voltage of the pulse decreases. So how big a pulse you need to be effective, depends on how long your fenceline is. It's possible that to get a shock (accidentally) right next to the charger causes problems because it is too high.
If the fence system knew "where" the intruder was and there were multiple chargers on the fence, you could send a pulse from the two bracketing chargers. At locations where the intruder is not thought to be, the pulse if too low in value to cause a problem. The two pulses from different directions overlap at the known location, and hence add. Providing sufficient charge to get the animals attention. And making the fenceline safer everywhere.
This isn't done now, as far as I know.
If we are growing
hay, we would like to make hay at the time it stores maximum nutrition (maybe). According to a friend, the best time is somewhat before flowers blossom. I will leave it at that for now. If you have a small hay crop, it may be that all of the field hits this point at the same time. Do you have a "meter" to tell you when to cut the hay? So even if you have a sufficiently small field, you need to analyse the crop multiple times to know when to cut it. If you have a large field, different locations will reach this point at different times.
If you have the big equipment, you look for the best average and harvest the field all at one time. And usually the day after you cut everything, it rains and you lose a bunch of nutritional value to the rain.
Let's have robots which weigh almost nothing wander around the field, and take multi-spectral images of the crop. They might (can?) tell when the crop at any particular location is ready to be cut. And maybe we have robots that can cut (fairly easy) and condition (to me, this means crimping the stalks often enough) the hay. So on any given day, robots may go out when moisture levels are best for cutting, and cut what has been assigned for cutting.
This is different from currant practice in a lot of ways. One is that there are a lot of images to process. I suspect your "prospector" robots want to look at the field at times when it typically wouldn't want to be cut anyway (too much dew, ...). So they examine what hasn't already been flagged or cut or gathered at a convenient time, accumulating a bunch of images (probably multiple per location). They upload their images to the farm LAN, and computers crunch the numbers.
Something similar for analysing cereal crop, but you probably don't want to cut in this haphazard manner?
If you are growing fibre crops (such as
flax), you want to harvest in a manner that doesn't introduce defects in the fibre (no kinks).
In a cereal or fibre crop, you might want to plant a cover crop before the cereal or fibre is ready to harvest. So that when you harvest, now the cover crop can maximally take advantage of
the "open canopy" created by removing the plants just harvested. Weeds don't in general get to know that.
The limiting factor in growing crops on the Great Plains is water. How many farms have a single moisture sensor in the soil? How many have multiple sensors? Only on the fenceline?
Orchards and gardens could easily use this data with drip irrigation. (Probably means emitters with on/of valves, don't water what doesn't need watering.)
We will be able to use lots of different kinds of sensors. By and large these sensors are not only sensitive to what it is they are sold as. What this means in practice, is that we may need to create "maps" of correction factors to the various sensors we employ.
This got created in greenhouses section, so maybe we need a
greenhouse thing.
We are often interested in when seeds germinate. I will take the example of a tiny seeded plant, because it requires little cover.
We carefully place tiny seeds on the surface (instead of just saying they are too small, and try to spread them out in some less labour intensive way). Maybe we use a robot to place the seeds, and so the robot knows where it placed each seed (regardless of its size). We can use multispectral imaging in reflection on tiny seeds, we might have to use it in transmission for larger seeds, but on some regular basis a camera takes one or more pictures of our seed beds. And then the number crunching comes in the background, looking for differences. This could reliably detect the first leaf emission by a seed more accurately than anything we do now (assuming I have read all literature on germinating seeds, which I haven't).
Who knows, maybe this thread is thought to be spam.
I don't think
permaculture needs to go heavy into computational aspects. It probably could continue to survive or thrive on holistic measures. But I think it could benefit from computational aspects.
After all, the object of computing is insight, not numbers.
And I don't even see my copy of the Dover reprint I have where I get that quotation from. Probably buried under something. Google suggests Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists,
which sounds right to me. Uggh, now I see it.
If you are looking for other old
books, there is a book by a Statistical Engineer at the NBS (before NIST) which is also a wonderful book. The Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data (Mandel).