Howdy doodies😁
I've just fired up my first
RMH build. (Chuffed to bits)
It's quite small - 8cm × 8cm.
So, I made a P-channel (using an old stove shovel) but it was quite a bit too deep and I fumbled the re-cutting of it badly. It was too loose. Grrr.
I gave up on it and settled down to lunch.
In an earlier post I asked some growies "what's the best
wood for burning in a
rocket mass heater" - and a great growie called Peter helped me realise my bamboo is far from useless but perfect.
Fast growing.usefull for all sorts of other stuff. Makes a fab windbreak and provides
enough good food to keep a pet panda.
Anyway- I threw in a bit of hollow bamboo and "WHOOSH"...ITS A NATURAL P-CHANNEL.
So instead of taking space and fiddling about trying to make another one I shall simply add a whole round bamboo section for each burn load. Job done.
Oh joy oh joy. I love this community.