Definitely need less chemical recommendations.
I am sick of seeing "master gardeners" and presentations online from University of Minnesota extension workers telling people the WORST and most impractical/expensive things about how to prepare/start a garden bed. Nobody needs to build a raised bed (they are nice but NOT necessary) or do much of anything besides clearing competition/tuf and maybe amending a little with
compost (though top-dressing works just fine, imo). Everyone makes it sound so much harder than it is. Yes, great yields require best practices but new gardeners shouldn't let the perfect garden be the enemy of the grew-some-food-and-it-was-fun first garden.
I just saw a slideshow from University of Minnesota that basically said to drench the plot in Round Up until everything is dead, then the next spring you plant your food in that chemical-laden nastiness... and that's according to the people most folks consider experts on gardening.
I know not everyone is on board with not using Round Up at all (lots of supposedly eco-minded folks still use it to fight "invasives", though I think those people are nutty to use it even in that situation) but I really thought most people trying to grow food at least would steer clear.
There are so many easier methods (dig up your sod/turn it face down, cover with
cardboard or newspaper and water it down... cover that with some free black dirt/compost/wood chips from the local yard waste management facility and boom, you've got a reasonably good spot for most annuals and all perennials except the acid-lovers). And for people who don't like the idea of cardboard or newsprint either, I think
wood, bricks, patio stones,
concrete pavers, or just about anything you have lying around would also work to block sun and kill down everything green in just a few weeks time.
We really need new experts who can show people how easy it is to grow food without chemicals or much money (or back-breaking labor). The plants want to grow and still just need soil, sun, and water. You can get way fancier but the basics are just picking the right plants for the space/person/skill and not neglecting them once they're in the ground. I think that even the idea of "weeding" gets blown out of proportion (most plants live just fine alongside the weeds, they just may be a bit stunted from the competition). Not everyone needs a blue ribbon totally optimized garden, especially a first timer.