I was getting some stuff off amazon the other day, needed a few more dollars to hit free shipping, looked up sewing machine needles, and found these:
150 pieces sewing machine needles for $9.29. 30 needles of each size : 9, 11, 14, 16, 18. I got two packs. They came yesterday. HOLY CATS!! That's awesome! Look fine from here, they are all sharps, no ball tips, and even if they are brittle and I break them, at the price, I can live with it.
I mark my needles for size with nail polish colors for each size, so I know when I take a needle out what size it was. I'll be marking them all before I get them mixed up.
Think I'm ordering a few more orders of those. That's a fantastic price! I wish I could pick what sizes I wanted, maybe the same people do offer that, I was in a hurry the other day, but even just taking what is offered, it is a great deal in my book!! :D