Trying to brainstorm fun nature play stuff for my kids. For example, I just made a sweet nature play area in our backyard and thought it would be cool to see if anyone else has a nature play setup for their kids. Although the weather is getting less and less favorable, my kids are getting lots of use out of this natural playground made very simply. Kid-approved!
This natureplay area is simply an assortment of stumps and logs placed in creative ways that promote adventure, experimentation, and imagination. The trick is to make sure the stumps and logs are secure
enough that they won't roll while kids are climbing running and jumping on them. My four-year-old calls them our lava islands, because we like to pretend the grass is lava and we have to avoid falling in it while maneuvering the logs (what's up with kids and the ground always being lava??!!)
Are there any other ideas for natural building for kids?