I tried to envision what this means -
a design for a permies playground
and now several minutes later...Wow! I just opened my own mental "Can O' Worms" - (And how ironic is that phrase, now seen through a
Permaculture lens)
At first thought, "playground" brought forth visions of big plastic bouncy houses and big pressure treated wood forts and maybe some recycled rubber tire mulch to get some kind of "Green" rating or LEEDs (
Leadership in
Energy and
Design) credits, and that brought a chuckle, as I tried to imagine fitting those kinds of components into what my mind envisions as "Permaculture" or a "Permaculture Design".
Now granted those are
Todays "playgrounds", not that I'm old, but growing up "our playground" really wasn't much better - a bunch of galvanized pipe swing sets and monkey bars, and gigantic cement culverts set up like tunnels and turrets, but at least it was sand and pine
straw that we landed on when we jumped out of the swing. (Is that even allowed anymore?
) One must jump right at the apex of the swing, at that moment you feel almost weightless!
(Grown man chuckles again - wondering if my knees could handle such frivolity anymore.
) But I digress....
- Problems into Solutions
The "Can O' Worms" opened when I realized -
My DEFINITION of a "playground" is wrong!
My mental picture of a "playground" is wrong!
And when I really sat and thought about it, as a kid, very seldom did I actually go to a playground. We played on them at school recess (Is that even allowed anymore?
), and occasionally we rode bikes to the
city park and played. But when I honestly thought about it, my favorite "playground" was an old gnarly multi-branched Pink Crepe Myrtle tree in my front yard. My friends and I climbed up and down and all over that tree. It was a look out tower against marauding orcs or monsters invading our city block. It was the creepy hangman's gallows on Halloween night. It was a "quiet" place, where I could splay out among the branches and just relax and watch the world.
This may not be what you were intending or hoping for, but we "Practitioners of Permaculture" plant a lot of trees. Willow branches can be woven into some fantastic living structures. Close plantings of
black locust in an orchard type setting could be coppiced and/or pollarded, providing wood for fuel and living structures for tree houses, or arched over into monkey bars, or sawn up into kid sized Lincoln Logs! How cool would that be,
These are just my quick random thoughts! But I hope this helps. I've found I'm choosing/needing to re-define a lot of things in my life, as a new/different set of values is slowly usurping my old ones.