Seems most folks who get a donkey or mule get protection for the animals the donkey/mule recognizes as its pack
...guess you could go on how you know a cat is a good mouser or not. if the momma was a good mouser, the offspring are too (mule being sterile is an issue tho)
...I've known one person who purchased a mule and another purchased a donkey for general protection, neither of the humans knew much about donkeys or mules but both did their protection thing at night
I've never seen a great pyrenees dog which failed to protect even the
chickens, I get the feeling mules and donkeys are the same way..
....anybody ever see a donkey run and hide from a coyote or loose dogs?
-guess you could bring your dog to visit prospective the donkey; just don't let the donkey get close
enough to bite the dog's neck!