Hello all, first post.
a few months ago I purchased a typically gentle donkey and 5 sheep for her to guard. Generally she is good to them and moves them throughout the pasture however on occasion she becomes aggressive and chases them. Her head is down, ears back and typically singles one out. It seems to be a little random, but also when she thinks she is due a treat or just some grain
feed and doesn't get it(almost as if she is being ignored or she stomach was prepared for something and not getting it.
she has bitten the tips off two of the sheep and I have walked out, just after I saw threw the window her chasing them, and seen one laying down and not wanting to get up.
Other than trying to be very consistent with snacks and feedings what can we do to keep her from this. Yelling does not stop her unless I quietly run close to her and then yell( diffcult to really run up to her anyways). I can only think of getting one of those electric/shock dog training collars, if I can find one big
enough. She can be standoffish and a little difficult to pet so It would be hard to catch her and punish her say by putting her in another pen. I had a horse growing up and this is my first donkey.
Any other ideas?