R Hill wrote:Hi Gail, where is the property located, what are your plans and needs once getting the property, and if you'd like to PM me about what you need to move forward and discuss a possible agreement to get you there.
Leif Ing wrote:Hi Gail, what county is it in? SW Missouri has some great counties for unrestricted buildings, but also near Springfield can be pretty restrictive, especially Christian County. I wish you luck, and think that with time you can find some great people here that would have interest. Most permies I have met are not afraid of raw land... lol :)
My dream is to move to SW MO, but probably in 1-2 years, and even if starting with an RV or she’d conversion, to build a wofati for a retirement home. My twins are almost 8 now and I want to get them out of the city ASAP... we already homeschool as we don’t agree with much of the PC stuff they teach these days and we’ve seen how much they dumb classes down to the lowest common denominator. First, we gotta fix up some things around this nice house we have in Kansas City, and sell it to hopefully have the money to get started on some land. Now that I have a CDL, I have the freedom to move out further from any cities. ;-)
Anyways, keep us updated as to you finding folks, or even if you go with a different property. I’m hoping to get to know/better more folks around SW MO.
Leif :)
Gail Jardin wrote:
This piece of land sold already. Right now I'm in the process of trying to buy a house with a home loan. I still plan on buying land to homestead on around here, if I can find one with no restrictions again! I have a converted school bus that is like an RV and kind of feel like it gave me the experience to tackle a cabin in the future. If you homeschool and have a CDL do you kids go with you on the road?
Shawn M. Barb
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