Hi All;
Came up with a new use for Velcro today. Seems the hook side excels at catching pet hair in the washer and
A few days ago I noticed, my cargo pants pockets with Velcro closures had cat hair packed onto the hook side ... hmmmm I wonder...
Today I cut a 6" long piece of 3" wide hook side, removed the sticky tape, folded it over and tossed it in the washer. I never saw it when I moved things to the dryer.
What I found after the dryer was done was impressive! Some clothes were hair free ! Some were not, but they had less than normal! I think I need 3 or 4 of them to keep up around here.
I mean just because the cattery is closed , we still have oh ... 10 or 11 kitty's around here.
As some of you may know , Liz and I were Persian cat breeders for the last twenty years. (We just closed the doors/website this month)
Wonderful sweet animals, very different from "normal" kitty's in personality.
They also shed hair ...
alot! we have always joked one of us could perish from a hair ball :)
Our house and our clothes always have cat hair in and on them...heck even the food gets some, just a fact of living/visiting with crazy cat people.
We have tried numerous ways to control the hair on our clothes.
Getting rid of our front loader washer and going to a speed queen top loader helped a bunch. That front loader seemed to ball up hair and insert it through the weave of clothing... leaving nice round balls of fur stuck to your clothes.
Using a sponge scrubby works great after the fact ... but we wanted a better way.
We have tried numerous objects that you place in the washer, some helped some didn't. None did as good as this.