(Sorry if this is the wrong
thread... already put it in Meaningless Drivel... but it's not quite meaningless
Toby's post at Landon's list (let me know if I'm stepping on toes here)
I got a note yesterday from Chelsea Green Publishing saying that Martha Stewart had recommended Gaia's Garden in her weekly newspaper column as a "favorite, essential" gardening book. It was just a couple of sentences, but it's another indication that we're hitting the mainstream . . . and that's going to have all sorts of effects, on us, as well as the mainstream. (It also resulted in CGP getting a huge order from a giant book distributor, Ingram).
Plus, White House College Champions is Amherts' '
Permaculture Initiative'... and Seattle's Urban Forest was chewed on by late night comedian Monday.
Now, if only Mother Earth News would get with the program!