I am looking for advice on fencing uneven, rocky ground and small seasonal streams/gullies. I was thinking of using hedge or ceder corner posts and stays, then mostly tpost through out the
fence with corner posts at gates and where paddocks meet, and corner posts every 100 feet or so.
The issue is that there are a few spots with small gullies. They are maybe one and a half too three feet across and the same down in a triangle. Most of the gullies are very rocky (at first I had thought to dig a small trench to put the
fence down into and a post at the bottom of the gully). There is also a spot with a small stream that runs year round that I would like to fence. So in both places the issues is basically the same, just one has
water in it and the other areas do not. I need to keep in dogs, goats,
chickens and ducks.
Some thought's I'v had: Fence from t-post to t-post with a post at the lowest point I can get, go across the gully to the other side and put in another t post. Fasten hardware cloth to the bottom of the fence and use masonry bolts into the rock to attach it to the rock. Or Build a small frame measuring out the shape of the gullies and using that for hardware cloth, then filling it in with rocks. I don't think filling it in with rocks would work for the stream because water surges with rain could move them. I would also want something larger than hardware cloth so small fish could pass through but animals could not.
Also, how on earth do you dig a post hole and/or drive a t post if you only have about a foot of soil before rock?
I'm sure there is a simple solution to this but I'm just not thinking of it!