Hi Josh,
Sounds like an exciting project!
I am in zone 6b, Rhode Island, so I don't know how well my
experience will translate for you region. However, in my region, some of the trees you mentioned would take a lot more care than it sounds like you want to give. For instance, many plums and cherries are disease prone and get lots of pressure from pests. Some hardier varieties include Nanking bush cherries and beach plums.
European pear trees are also a challenge.
Sound, clean apples are very difficult to grow without pesticide and fungicide, but there are some varieties that withstand pest pressure fairly well - Liberty being a stand-out in that respect. Apples probably won't look pretty, without maintenance, especially if you grow them from seed, since apples are notoriously random when grown from seed. If you don't mind eating tiny, wormy apples, or making protein-rich cider and vinegar, go for it! Otherwise, buy a named variety and care for it.
Like I say, I can't specifically speak to Virginia, but you are not that far away. If you lived in Rhode Island, Connecticut, or Massachusetts, I would suggest the following
perennial edibles as low-maintenance plants to grow from seed:
Asian pears (but I don't know if you can buy reliable varieties as seeds)
Chestnuts (hybrid varieties or select, blight-resistant, varieties)
Heartnut trees
Linden - you probably already have some of these. Their leaves are edible
Beach plums
Bush cherries (Nanking and other)
Concord grapes
Groundnuts (very aggressive in a garden but not so much in the wild)
Hostas - very tasty spring shoots and flower stalks/buds
Strawberries (domesticated "wild" varieties like Attila - which spreads better than some)
Sunchokes (be careful, they are very aggressive
native and can get out of hand)
Thyme (creeping varieties)
Generally, my experience has been that nature tends to take back the
land when you don't maintain your food forest. That said, you may be able to seed aggressively
enough to give your edibles the edge they and to add a large quantity of edibles to the landscape.
Best wishes and good luck! Keep us posted, this sounds like a very interesting project!