I second Timothy's post. All males (post maturity at least) is a recipe for fighting. Add hens to the mix and it will only get worse as they'll fight over who gets to mate her, not just over food.
If they aren't big
enough to slaughter yet (or you just don't want to, yet) I'd start out by making their
feed setup so one tom can't dominate. Either have multiple feeding areas spread far enough apart that the toms lower on the totem pole get their share, or design a single feeding area so the dominant tom can't stop the others from eating while also getting his own fill. I use a plastic garbage can with 4" PVC elbows inserted in holes around the bottom. If there's enough openings to get the feed the toms lower in the order can still get to it.
If you get hens, get enough for each tom you keep. I'm not sure what the max number is for turkeys.
Chickens I know they say 1 rooster per 8-10 hens. I probably wouldn't go below 4 hens per tom if you retain multiple toms. If you only retain 1 tom then 1-2 hens would be fine.
If you decide to slaughter they process just like a
chicken, only larger. I will say though that when you break the neck after the bleeding from the neck cut starts to slow they will go rodeo. Scalding is the same. 150F
water, and dunk until the tail feathers start to come out easy, then pull from the water and pluck. Gutting is also identical to
chickens, but with more room for your hand.