http://granja.caimito.net is coming along step by step and we are busy creating more and more permanent small paddocks of 5000m2 in size and pathways for the animals in between them. We rotate the cows daily and the soil is responding well to that.
Now - and that's the reason for this question - we have the idea to plant lavender along the animal pathways. I've seen that in France sheep are put onto lavender fields to do maintenance in between the rows of lavender. Apparently sheep won't touch lavender.
I'm wondering now how that is with all the other animals. We have cows, sheep, horses and pigs. Eventually they will be allowed to roam the whole place, find an open door, graze a paddock, we come and close the door and open another and so on.
We do use a lot of electric fencing in combination of physical fencing. We could protect the lavender with a wire to keep the cows out (they seem to go for it given nothing better is available). The pigs are also controlled by two wires at their height.
Eventually we do want to harvest the lavender and make products.
I'm putting this in "forest garden" as our whole farm is basically a forest (spanish Dehesa) and we try to put more and more plants back to where they're supposed to be.
Thanks in advance for ideas and thoughts about lavender and grazing animals.