Hello everyone,
I have this this idea that I would like to float out here for you all to chime in and tell me it's crazy (likely), stupid (possibly), or even catastrophic (maybe) - or that it just might work... ;-)
The scenario: We work in Tanzania, a country that is heavily affected by deforestation, soil degradation and erosion, gullies, sinking groundwater levels and the like. A friend of mine comes from a village where the river has dug down into the soil for more than 30m in the last decades. Massive deforestation in the whole region, leading to flash floods during the rainy season that kill people (mainly women washing clothes in the river) every year.
course there are possible solutions for situations like this, like check dams etc. Most of those will fail for two reasons: Lack of money, and lack of vision/willingness to invest money or time into the necessary work.
No my crazy idea/thought experiment: If I could find a running bamboo that has very specific climatic requirements (e.g. not being able to survive in a landscape with more than 2 months of dry season), and plant it down there in the eroded river bed, it might spread out over the whole gully with time, and into the rain
water gullies and ravines leading into the river bed, and slow down or even reverse the whole erosion process.
Possible risks:
The bamboo very likely will take over the vegetation in the river bed and the adjacent gullies over time. That's why it is important to use a species that will not grow out of the gullies into the adjacent fields and take them over as well.
Possible benefits:
Reversed erosion wit a low-cost low teck method that can lead to raised ground water levels, a decrease in flash floods over time, and additional resources for the communities.
So now, what do you think? Please roast me, tell me everything that's wrong with the idea and what else could go wrong, lest I proceed with this idea and make a huge mess of a whole region...
Thanks in advance!