It happens every year. Despite my best efforts to plan ahead on my end and much communication with nurseries to try and get
trees mailed within a certain time frame, I am now sitting at the tail end of my week of vacation (which was supposed to be used in part to plant trees) with four big boxes of trees that just showed up in the mail and not nearly
enough time left to plant them all.
should be out planting them now, but it's thunderstorming (as in DIRECTLY overhead).
Some of the larger bare-root guys are getting temporarily potted up in big pots, the smaller bundles of bare
root stuff is getting bundled up in moist paper shreds and wrapped tight, and I'm crossing my fingers.
I lie and tell people that the haphazard layout of my tree plantings is to mimic a more natural distribution, but in reality it's just because I have to plant them all SUPER FAST.