I have a 3,000 square foot annual vegetable garden, plus a small amount of fruit and berry perennials. I'm also interested in offering mineralized water to my flock of 8 laying hens.
How much Sea-90 would I use in a year?
"Study books and observe nature; if they do not agree, throw away the books." ~ William A. Albrecht
Zone 6, 45 inches precipitation, hard clay soil
Davis Tyler wrote:
what's the difference with the Baja Gold product for cooking? Isn't the regular Sea-90 product fit for human consumption?
"Study books and observe nature; if they do not agree, throw away the books." ~ William A. Albrecht
s. lowe wrote:I'm a big fan of sea-crop, and shipping is free on single gallons direct from the manufacturer, sea-crop.com.
Its not as convenient as dry salt but its incredibly effective in my experience. I use it at 2-2.5 ml per gallon and usually spread it around the garden a couple times a year. Usually I just add it with compost tea so I don't add another time that I'm feeding liquid stuff
Davis Tyler wrote:
s. lowe wrote:I'm a big fan of sea-crop, and shipping is free on single gallons direct from the manufacturer, sea-crop.com.
Its not as convenient as dry salt but its incredibly effective in my experience. I use it at 2-2.5 ml per gallon and usually spread it around the garden a couple times a year. Usually I just add it with compost tea so I don't add another time that I'm feeding liquid stuff
ah, I remember hearing about SeaCrop before. I'm surprised that it would be cheaper than shipping solids only - water weight is expensive to truck long distances. The label says it's 20% solids by volume, so 80% water. So a $59 gallon bottle gets you ~2lbs of minerals?
"SEA-CROP® is a concentrate that contains all of the wonderful goodness of seawater in concentrated form but with the sodium chloride 95% reduced."
Is this an advantage over Sea-90, which does NOT have reduced sodium?
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