latest podcast - the blurb says...
Paul Wheaton and Maddy Harland of
Permaculture Magazine talk about how many people they reach. They talk about Skeeter, aka Michael Pilarski. Maddy shares about a digital
Permaculture Magazine app on iPads. They talk about printing on paper. Maddy talks about what will be in the next issue. They compare
Permaculture Magazine to
Permaculture Activist Magazine. Maddy has three new
books: Designing Ecological Habitat: Creating a Sense of Place,
Permaculture Design Step by Step Guide, and People in
Permaculture Caring and Designing for Ourselves, Each Other, and the Planet. They talk about the permaculture concept of fair share, and the three permaculture ethics. Maddy shares about restoring an old Navy base into an educational center for permaculture. They are in the process of translating another
Sepp Holzer book on
water. They talk a bit about spirituality, in particular
Sepp Holzer‘s spirituality. They talk about DVDs put out, including Natural Swimming Pools and Ben Law‘s Roundwood Timber Framing.
And just to annoy Paul, I wanna say that I've had a sneak preview of the new Sepp Book because the German version is already available and I had a good peek through one in Tamera. Loads of colour photos, and right up there on top of my Christmas list!