My advise would be this. Pick a high profile section of the easement (one easily showcased) and intensively gorilla garden it for a season. Having a show case to 'enlighten' folks on the possibilities is a much easier
sell than words or a brochure. Target the city as well as any other stack holders, in addition to the general public through groups and organizations. Then do a little geometric progression.
Start an acre. Show off the results and benefits. Have a group take an acre on either side next season. As you expand, so does your acreage in either direction. If one can become three and three can become five... Soon it will take a life of its own.
To get started (I believer your area has snow), frost seed your spring plants. Broadcast before the snow or after but early
enough that a few freezes and thaws will work the seeds into the ground as it expands and contracts. Use a diverse mixture of legumes, broad leaf, grass, and a few brasicas. Throw in some wildflowers and maybe some
native grasses. Don't go for uniformity of plant height or plant structure. Diversity is key. Soon you will have a showcase pasture with lots of beneficial plants and insects. Perhaps you could get some university students or grad students in the field of biology, soil science or ecology to speak with you to stake holders of the benefits this test plot offers the community and nature. You might even find a student willing to write a grant or make it a thesis.
If you decide to go this route, perhaps you can do a kick starter and ask Permies to help fund the seed capital to get started. I am good for $50 bucks if you keep us posted and socialize your efforts. An acre of seed mix will cost you less than $200 for seed. A hand broadcaster will run you about $30. Some labor and you are off to the races.