I have almost no
experience with propagation. my past experience has been take a cutting, dip it in hormone, stick it in some loose medium, if it grows I am the grand wizard of propagation, if it dies than the plant simply cant be propagated by anyone and no future attempts by the human race
should be performed cause it simply cant be done!
Since joining this forum I am definitely overwhelmed with all the science behind plants.
To the point: I bought these Pakistan mulberry cuttings off e-bay a little over a week ago, seller offered some planting instructions and some helpful you tube links, I basically took the cuttings, cut the ends at an angle, dipped in
root hormone, put in a loose soil and then ( new to me ) covered with a plastic bag after watering well.
I opened this morning and I see some green coming up. I also see some mold, what can you guys suggest?
The bag does touch the cuttings, it droops down onto these, I am concerned about this mold.
Should I just cover it all back up again and hope for the best, Id like to see green on all the cuttings, I dont at this point.