Recently I have been testing pickled egg recipes. The first of these was a Dill Pickled Egg recipe. It was surprisingly good, though it needs stronger dill. Another on the roster includes a bread and butter pickle. As I talked to my wife about some ideas for other blends, I had a number of ideas such as borage and leek as flavoring agents. However, I had a thought that didn't work at all for eggs, but might work for a cucumber. The idea is to use a brine formed from half vinegar, and half honeydew juice. A little salt, a little sugar, and then the spices added would be nutmeg, allspice, and maybe a little of something else like some ginger or cinnamon. In my head it sounds like it would be a really refreshing pickle, if strange.
Anyone else have any
experience with something similar? Or perhaps you have some really unusual pickles you have made that turned out really great? Heck, even the failures are probably helpful since knowing what not to combine is as useful as knowing what combines well.