The more I dig into this the more I get confused. I googled Haworthia Royal Highness.
So It looks like the 2nd picture that I posted, the "Source" says it is a cross and not a Haworthia at all:
Gasteraloe 'Royal Highness': A rare intergeneric hybrid of Gasteria x Aloe. It is ornately decorated with a dense smattering of raised white dots. Moderate stress from bright light and drought can induce flushing of orange and red tones. This slow growing, loose rosette makes an excellent indoor plant as it can thrive even in low light."
So I looked up the website that I used for succulents which has 8 pages of different Haworthia, this page has the ones that look like the OP's plant on the right:
Leigh, so all I can say is maybe if the OP will reply and tell us which plants is the one in question then we might be able to figure this out.