Dawn Olivo wrote:
Rob Lineberger wrote:I also get spider mites every year. That is dangerous and needs to be addressed. I use neem oil.
It did have little spider webs on it. Is that spider mites? Do you just spray the neem oil on the leaves?
If you see little webs it is time to load up neem oil/water and spray the living hell out of every crook, crevasse, leaf, and stem. Do not do this in sunlight, its like thousands of little magnifying glasses that will sear the leaves.
Also if you start to see mottled lighter spots on the leaves that means spider mites are feeding on the underside of the leaves.
Also if you see anything the size of a speck of pepper that's probably a spider mite with spider mite friends.
Some people pre-emptively spray neem oil. I think I'll be one of those people this year.