R. Han wrote:
Sam Liégeois wrote:
Here in Europe the laws are pretty strict about where you source your seeds and cuttings from.
Everything has to be certified, so you can only buy at dealers.
This sounds very strange to me.
This would rule out the possibility to take cuttings or even seed from some random volunteer in someones garden
that happens to be a good variety and market it.
Can you please post the law that requires this?
You can do that but you cannot sell it without being registered and obtaining plant passports etc (you can do these yourself but you must be certified). So either you certify it or someone else does, same difference in the end. this is a link to the overview of the british law on plant passports (inside the EU INCLUDES inside individual countries) the law is an EU one so it's going to be basically the same everywhere.
Page of boredom here There is only one exception and that is selling direct, if you come to my farm I can sell you a potted plant, if I advertise it here and post it to you that is breaking the law. If I give it to you and post it that is still breaking the law.
There is another problem with selling seeds of your own varieties and that is that all varieties need to be registered on the database.. sigh.
enough buried away in the legislation is a possibly very useful exemption
- The movement of seed intended for scientific purposes, selection work and other test or trial purposes
Actually selling plants is a nightmare, especially with "wild" plants there is a whole list from the UK of plants you need a license to sell and another list that is EU wide I expect most countries have similar lists if one looks as well.