Here is what I am looking at for a
greenhouse location and a rough idea of the thinking. The first picture is the
berm at the west end of the house and is looking due north. The second picture is looking roughly east at the end of the house over that same berm taken from far
enough away that I am roughly standing at first floor level The bank height is about 6 feet over by the house tapering down from there.
Current thinking is first 3 feet out from the house is a rock stairs up. Next is a window area 6 feet wide by 8 feet high to act as a retaining wall with dirt piled to the top behind it. It will act as both added
solar heat for the green house and the completely passive fan to pull the air up out of the cold sump to recharge the rock bed. Convection and implementing Mike O's cold sump is planned to heat it at night. Simply let the cold flow down into the bottom of the rock pile and the heat chimney back. A single shaft with 3 butterfly doors on it rotated will change it from collector mode to night time mode.
Then next is the green house itself. The front is planed as 14 feet high by roughly 9 to 10 feet high. Dimension being chosen by the glass I have collected so far. Post and beam construction to hold the weight of the roof on the front wall and simply framed inside that to allow for the assembly of a full patch work of window glass. The roof will utilize a bunch of old beams I already have roughly 4"x8" Over that roughly 1 foot of
cob dirt packed tight with a stair step form. Then a layer of plastic. On the dirt steps down the roof goes a layer
straw bales and over that another layer of plastic and over that another foot or 18 inches of dirt. The back and side walls to be rammed earth reinforced with baler net wrap residue built in an arc shape so all the walls will be compressively loaded by the dirt behind them. The back wall
should be approximately 8 to 9 feet long. The total volume if the roof is kept low in back will allow for just over 10 air changes an hour when checked against flow achieved with the current collector on the house with no fans.
In summer mode the collector will simply suck air out and vent it to the outside world. Also intending to put a down draft
solar dehydrator sucking out of the peak of the roof in. The hope for summer months is that those 2 combined with thermal mass and night time cooling will keep the things cool enough. Because of the outlet out of the peak the dehydrator should likely run all night long sucking a little as heat rises out of the mass.
In winter mode the plan is to add a giant plastic bag with a drain pipe at the bottom to try active foam insulation. Will require some power but should given an R8 to the glass. If that doesn't work a simple roll down insulated curtain is the back up plan.
The corner of the house near this is the ideal place to take wiring etc out. So current plan is probably 2 power circuits and a couple of temp circuits and a couple of control lines from the aurdino running the collector etc.
Now as a back up in case none of this is enough will bury 2 8 foot pieces of 6" or bigger PVC. One out of the rock sump and one higher. If the existing stuff isn't enough add pipes going straight north along the ridge of the hill burying earth/air tubes headed back to the wind break row of
trees. Build them as 2 loops but with a T coming up from each at the far end of the look. In winter mode simply loop the tube. In summer mode remove the insulating plug from the T and then all 4 tubes can draw outside air in heating the earth farthest from the
greenhouse most and dumping cooler air into it.
So what am I missing??