Hey all,
I'm looking for feedback on the preliminary design for the area immediately around my cabin.
Here's a 6 minute
video outlining the site's climate details,
land form data, existing flora and structures, sector analysis and preliminary planting schedule:
I've attached a site map, the sector analysis, and preliminary planting schedule.
The area has several mature over story
trees so I'm particularly interested in shrubs or trees that can pruned into thickets to provide some privacy screen and do well in partial shade. Here's the list I have gathered so far:
- Pineapple Guava (Prefers morning sun, afternoon shade)
- American Hazelnut (Can be grown in a thicket, Tolerates partial shade but will not produce well)
- Texas Kidneywood(Can be pruned into a shrub)
- Red Chokeberry
- Yaupon Holly
- American Smoketree
- Texas Mountain Laurel
- Flameleaf Sumac
- Evergreen Sumac
- Paw Paw
- Red Mulberry (I've heard that these can be kept smaller with pruning and do well as understory trees)
- Methely Plum
- Mexican Plum
Most of this information comes from
Texas Gardening the Natural Way by Howard Garrett and notes from a
local food forest
workshop I attended several years ago.
Also, any central Texas grape suggestions would be appreciated. I was considering some type of Muscadine for their disease resistance and drought tolerance.