Hello yall. I've been perusing the forum for a while. Recently registered. Just now posting.
This is an intro of sorts. I was perma-certified at Lost Valley in Dexter, OR.
Been telling a story called TheFortune for almost 3 years now. First started as a jarring reflection of consciousness, and evolved into a new identity. The story began coming to life in scary ways, and when that stabilised it became a vehicle for great change in my world. Now the great change is spreading from me to the world around me.
check out Agro's Fortune (link in signature). but here it is anywaay...
Agro's Fortune is the fortune that connected everyone within and without The Praxis Lands. A rerouting of personal resources and ability to create a society of abundance in positive emotion and high frequency
I have crafted a
compost community in honor of Agro. Small, but growing in strength. When the core is strong
enough, it will expand. I will tell The Fortune far and wide, across The Praxis Lands.
Permaculture and metaphor combine to tell a new world. (isn't it interesting how the world and word are only one letter apart.)
Please enjoy the telling of The Fortune, as imagination and reality collide.
I'm glad to be here, i love
permaculture. I love permies practising