posted 12 years ago
Very nice.
I personally believe that outdoor kitchens are greatly underutilized in our 'modern society'.
In hot summer areas, they greatly help eliminate excess heat inside the house, hence lower utility bills (& higher comfort level).
In cold winter areas, 'Cabin Fever' can be a serious problem. If you can spend more of your life outdoors when weather permits, it reduces the total number of hours you spend confined. Each hour that you get to spend outdoors delays the onset of cabin fever. It helps turn your house into a refuge instead of a prison.
Also, many jurisdictions tax outside additions at a fraction of what they charge for 'home improvements'. And they are often not included into the 'square footage' calculated by the tax assessor.
It is also wonderful to sip a cold one, or enjoy a warm meal within sight of the natural beauty that you and mother nature have created. It certainly beats looking at four walls for half of your life.