We are wanting to heat a very badly insulated 3 bedroom 90's kitset wooden house with no
wood stove - we are in NZ so in the midst of winter. To put in a
wood stove to council regulations is beyond our budget, and would be sitting in a closed-off lounge room anyway. (we bought the property for the 8 acres and farm set-up NOT the house!) We are playing at heating
water through a
compost heat, and have an unlimited supply of stable sawdust. We have the system working, but find it espensive to get
enough pipe to heat our
hot water, let alone to heat water for house radiators too. We are also looking at making a stove in an outbuilding (we have a few unused well ventilated buildings with cement or dirt floors and metal sides) and heating the water in some sort of heat eschange and bringing it into the house.
Something like this sort of thing.
The problem is that we are 5 km from the sea, and have sandy soil. We don't have the clay to make the adobe surrounds. What are our options otherwise? As we can have access to free sawdust/manure and dry it off in our outbuildings - we could make a sawdust stove and boil water on that with a heat eschange in it. Or we could make a portable
rocket stove with gravel, and run water piping through it. We want something that is low emissions (no chimney smoke for the council to see driving by), and also safe to burn with little supervision.
Thanks in advance.