Joy South wrote:Swarms is the key word there. Our exterminator said termites only fly when they are swarming.
Oh, that makes me think of one of the most spectacular nature events in the Dominican Repermies. Nighttime rainstorms trigger flying termite swarms. They come in the house, and the household commensals spring into action: anoles, tiny geckos, giant wolf spiders (which also eat the geckos!) all feast on the swarming termites. Along the foundation, I see moving black blotches -- aggregations of fire
ants, also carrying off those termites who
land. I have even seen the cat get in on the action! This happens every time it rains hard at night -- it is a mystery to me how the termites have a swarm ready to go every rain storm but never on dry nights, but they do!
I will be trying some of these ideas myself -- as it is, I have to keep after the tunnels on my foundation before they reach the wood.