I don't own the plants, they own me.
Jill of all and Misses of Targets -JMH
Lorinne Anderson: Specializing in sick, injured, orphaned and problem wildlife for over 20 years.
Lorinne Anderson wrote:Thank you for clearly explaining the math, formula's and appropriate administration of these two basic dewormers (also commonly used in cats, dogs, and most hoofed livestock - using different regimes).
As much as the avoidance of pharmaceuticals is ideal, allowing suffering to persist while one cycles through a host of "natural" remedies that do not work or make things worse is unfair and unkind, in my opinion.
I know many are fans of DE, and it may or may not work for the host of applications that are touted for it; the determination of effectiveness is not my concern.
At issue for myself is the assumption that "natural" somehow automatically means "safe" or "harmless" which could NOT be further from the truth. It is akin to saying aged manure, mixed into soil and used to grow vegetables means EATING fresh manure is also safe (NOT). It all depends on how a product is HANDLED that determines it's safe use.
My huge concern is that THIS "cure" (diatomacious earth, DE or DiaE) is finely ground, fossilized sea shells and essentially sand/silica which well, is the precursor to blown glass. As one can imagine (and is well documented in human/veterinary medical journals) these tiny, abrasive particles are incredibly damaging to lungs, especially when the fine dust is inhaled. This is an even bigger issue for birds as the particles do not "clog" individual air sacs IN a lung; birds just have a few GIANT air sacs so can be compromised very easily.
I also know many will dismiss my concerns of DE as they have "used it for years" with no issues. Sadly this IS a cumulative issue, and although the animal or bird may not have obvious damage due to either short lifespan, infrequent use, or luck, it does not detract from the fact that most vets and scientists will corroborate the potentially enormous risk.
At the very least, PLEASE ensure any humans exposed to DE always wear proper lung protection (no, a bandana does NOT suffice), specifically designed to protect against inhalation of fine particles, such as a properly fitted N95 RESPIRATOR - not a static mask, a proper, respirator with replaceable filters. In humans, long term or frequent, successive exposure basically fills your lungs with essentially cement over time (silicosis??) and it is irreversible.
Jill of all and Misses of Targets -JMH
Jill of all and Misses of Targets -JMH
“Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.” ~ Robin Wall Kimmerer
Heather Sharpe wrote: I must admit though, the idea of having to discard the eggs they work so hard to lay during and after treatment is super tough for me. Does anyone know if it would be safe to feed the (cooked) eggs back to the chickens during that period, since they're already ingesting the drug anyway?
I don't own the plants, they own me.
Lorinne Anderson: Specializing in sick, injured, orphaned and problem wildlife for over 20 years.
Ellendra Nauriel wrote:Sugar Mountain Farm has done tests on different worming methods, and found that one of the best ones was actually garlic powder. That would give you a way to worm them without having to discard the eggs.
Jill of all and Misses of Targets -JMH
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