"One cannot help an involuntary process. The point is not to disturb it. - Dr. Michel Odent
"One cannot help an involuntary process. The point is not to disturb it. - Dr. Michel Odent
"One cannot help an involuntary process. The point is not to disturb it. - Dr. Michel Odent
Leah Sattler wrote:
"oreo" the one in the second to last pic, does have small teats. her information states that but is says her orifice's are large and she milks out easily in addition to being a very milky doe. she is the dam of the last one that seems to have some good 'handles' so I am hoping that the tiny teats don't appear either of my girls. I can't put her down too hard. i have been a member of the itty bitty t**** comittee my while life.
"One cannot help an involuntary process. The point is not to disturb it. - Dr. Michel Odent
I AM MIGHTY! Especially when I hold this tiny ad:
12 DVDs bundle