the new( built last year) greenhouse is doing great this year.
all the plants are ready to get planted as soon as were past the frost season.
Chilies', Thai eggplant, green beans, yard long beans. Celery, carrots. and many other things the wife grow's that i don't know the name of.
Wow! I only hope mine looks that good after I get it together.
I'm assuming we're in similar climates and noticed some houseplants in there as well. What source of heating are you using? My old greenhouse from many years ago was heated with a wood stove but it was a major PITA.
Michelle, we have a propane heater in there and also a diesel heater, these are meant to be used in the automotive industry.
it's a small unit and pumps out a lot of heat for its size, they can be bought off ebay for about $100.
our green house id quite large at 24 x 36 and 10ft in the center and it cost us about $100 per month during the worst part of winter.
Thank you all for the complements on the plants. i cant take credit for those, that's my wife's hard work. i just make the space.