Just wanted to post here that I have a nice 5 acre parcel on the sunnyside peninsula outside Sandpoint Idaho (northern panhandle) - Lake
Pond e Reille. It's a beautiful spot for those who want a northwest/snow climate. The parcel is southeast facing I think with good sunny exposure.
Trees abut the road, about a third to half the acreage with mostly very gentle slope meadow down. The area abounds with wildlife, fishing, hunting, lakes, rivers, mountains etc etc. Sandpoint is a well developed forward thinking faction of people and there is permie/sustainable/natural building groups there that are part of the larger NW region. I had visions of a natural path there, but the years have passed and I a central coast Cali woman, and the only one in my family with the dream. I'd love to see it go to someone who can manifest it. After many years of holding it (inherited from my Mom) I'm ready to let it go and listed it ($59,900). Let me know if you are interested and I can send pics. Annie